Thursday, September 26, 2013

Evelyn Is 18 Months Old

Our little peanut is 18 months old already!  Evelyn had her 18 month doctor's appointment yesterday...she is 30.5 inches tall (25th percentile) and 19.5 lbs (negative 20th percentile).  Dr. Patton assures us that she is perfectly healthy...she is just petite.  She is so busy running, dancing, and climbing that she is burning lots of calories.

                                              Evelyn still loves to pull things out of the fridge.

Eddie assembled the pop-up tent in the living room which Evelyn loved. 

Dr. Evelyn helps us use the baby heart monitor to listen to baby boy's heartbeat. 

She wakes up usually around 6:30 ready for some milk and breakfast. 

She loves toys with parts and likes to see how things fit together. 

She also likes to be a "helper." Here she is cleaning the bathroom. 

She stills pulls things out of the cabinets to play with.

She enjoys lots of new foods like french fries. 

She can brush her hair.

She likes to give high fives. 

Her favorite food is spaghetti. 

Usually served on bath night;)

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Trips to the Zoo

Earlier this summer, we made our first family trip to the Nashville Zoo.  Evelyn had so much fun, that we signed up to be full-time members.

                                  They have a jungle gym and tot lot for the toddlers to run around.

Evelyn would wave to the animals and say "hi!"

Our second visit was members' only night when the zoo stays open for extended hours.  Evelyn went on her first carousel ride.

Back to the tot lot... 

Running through the jungle gym. 

Monday, September 2, 2013

Beach Vacation 2013

Another great vacation at Seagrove Beach this year!  It was so fun now that Evelyn was old enough to run and enjoy the sand and water.


This is how Evelyn took her naps every day...asleep on my belly listening to the waves. 

If it looked like rain, we would head to the house and the pool. 

Tommy is "really swimming!" 

On Tuesday night, Grammy and Pap watched the kids so that we could have an uninterrupted dinner out.  Tom photo-bombs our picture:)

First thing in the morning, all snuggled up with Grammy. 

Lunch time on the deck. 


Evelyn enjoyed a lot of chips on vacation... 

Looks like rain...back to the pool. 

Ryan Lochte and Michael Phelps take a break. 

Evelyn is wearing the cover-up that Aunt Sue made for me when I was little! 

Uncle Eddie and Grace play on the iPad after dinner.

Eating chips on the beach this time. 

Evelyn loves the water. 

Aunt Michelle and the girls.

Tom and Tommy in the surf.

Everybody floats, and the girls play with the bucket of water. 

Michelle got the girls cute matching outfits;) 

More chips at the beach;) 

Chips at lunch...Evelyn tries Grammy's famous taco dip for the first time and loves it! 

Playtime on the iPad...rain on the beach:( 

Last beach evening...finally the rain cleared! 

Evelyn's footprints at 17 months old. 

Out in the water with Daddy. 


Family beach pics. 

We were lucky...Evelyn loved the sand from the first day. 

Beautiful sunset on our last night.

Saturday morning before we get in the car.  The week went by so fast!  'Til next year...