Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Friday Hail Storm

We had a strong hail storm on Friday afternoon that lasted about 5 minutes, but it damaged our roof, siding and shutters.


  1. Ouch! Those hail stones looked very damaging! I remember the last time that we encountered this, it brought a lot of damages on our roof! And the one we got was almost the size the tennis ball! After that, we had our roof repaired because of the damage.

    Karen Burgess

  2. Have you repaired the damage brought by the hail storm? If not, I think you better do it now before another hail storm or extreme weather condition strikes your home. It could cause more extensive and expensive damage in the future if you leave it as is. And don’t forget to thoroughly check your entire house to ensure that there is no other damage caused by the hail storm.
    -Division Seven, LLC.

  3. Sometimes, the size of the hail is not the determining factor in how big a damage property might take on hailstorms. Smaller hail picked up at high speeds could easily damage roofs and windows than big ones in slower winds. And it looks like there was a high volume of hail in conjunction to the high winds. Quite destructive.

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